Art for Healing Coalition


Our values are the guiding principles that shape our behavior and decision-making purpose, direction, and ethical standards in every project we promote.
FOUNDERS: Maria Paola Lia, Olivier Jureau


Access to art as fundamental right that everyone can have access to, regardless of their abilities. As such, everyone should be able to express their artistic potential and benefit from greater health and social well-being. By creating a more accessible and inclusive artistic experience, we can help foster greater creativity and appreciation for diverse perspectives.


Our values are the guiding principles that shape our behavior and decision-making purpose, direction, and ethical standards in every project we promote.

Our values are:



Freedom of expression

Social responsibility

Continuous learning and improvement





Evidence-based practices

Respect for human rights

Environmental justice

Therefore, we put health, art, and environment as the core of our activities and purpose, as three areas that intersect with the SDGs and can play a significant role in achieving them. Health is a critical component of sustainable development linked to health and well-being (SDG 3), poverty eradication (SDG 1), and gender equality (SDG 5). Art can contribute to promoting education (SDG 4), fostering cultural diversity and inclusion (SDG 10), and promoting sustainable economic growth and decent work (SDG 8). Additionally, art can be used to raise awareness and advocate for action on environmental and social issues. Finally, the environment is also central to achieving sustainable development and is linked to affordable and clean energy (SDG 7), and sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11). Protecting the environment through sustainable practices and reducing pollution can have a positive impact on human health and well-being, as well as contribute to economic growth and social inclusion.

"HEVEA advocates for art, health, and environment as interconnected areas."

HEVEA advocates for art, health, and environment as interconnected areas that can contribute to achieving the SDGs. By recognizing and addressing the links between these areas, we can work towards a more sustainable and equitable world for all. By prioritizing these values, we can promote ethical behavior, positive social health and environmental impacts, and contribute to the achievement of sustainable development goals.
HEVEA shares WHO definition of “Health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”


  • To promote “Arts in health” to transforming health and the healthcare experience through the arts.
  • To advocates for access to art as fundamental right that everyone should be able to enjoy, regardless of their abilities.
  • To maintains a healthy balance between social, economic, and environmental systems.

“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of infirmity”


Health and art are two seemingly different fields, but they are closely related. Art can have a significant impact on health, both mentally and physically.

The 1947 Constitution of the World Health Organization states, “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” Therefore:

  • HEVEA aims at giving access to artistic tools to everyone, including people affected by disabilities, physical impairments, reduced visibility, mental health issues and to the third age.
  • HEVEA aims at creating resources, workshops, and opportunities for artists or people living with disabilities, chronic condition and physical impairments which can help them showcase their talents and connect with the broader artistic community, or just improve health outcomes.

Growing evidence and many articles suggest that the benefits of Arts in health care are regarded as holistic in terms of their positive impact on mental, physical and social healths.

Art can help us to emotionally navigate the journey of battling an illness or injury, to process difficult emotions in times of emergency and challenging events or situations.

Art is clinically proven to reduce stress, elevate mood, and lower blood pressure, studies suggest that “engagement with creative activities has the potential to contribute toward reducing stress and depression and can serve as a vehicle for alleviating the burden of chronic disease”.

Overall, ensuring access to art for people living with disabilities, chronic diseases or physical impairment is crucial for promoting inclusion and equity in the arts and in the society.

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